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Brother Exchange - 4 Year - Warranty - Exchange - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother Exchange - 1 Year - Warranty - Exchange - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother Exchange - 3 Year Extended Warranty - Warranty - Exchange - Electronic, Physical Service
Brother Exchange - 1 Year Extended Warranty - Warranty - Exchange - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother Exchange - 2 Year Extended Warranty - Warranty - Exchange - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother Exchange - 3 Year Extended Warranty - Warranty - Service Depot - Exchange - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother On-site Warranty - 1 Year Upgrade Warranty - Warranty - On-site - Maintenance - Parts & Labor - Electronic and Physical Service
Brother On-site Warranty - 2 Year Upgrade Warranty - 1 Year Extension - On-site - Maintenance - Parts & Labor - Physical, Electronic Service
Brother On-site Warranty - Extended Warranty (Upgrade) - 3 Year - Warranty - On-site - Maintenance - Parts & Labor - Electronic and Physical
Brother Warranty/Support - Extended Warranty (Upgrade) - 4 Year - Warranty - On-site - Maintenance - Parts & Labor - Electronic and Physical
Brother On-site Warranty - Extended Warranty - 1 Year - Warranty - On-site - Technical - Electronic
Brother On-site Warranty - Extended Warranty - 2 Year - Warranty - On-site - Maintenance - Parts & Labor - Physical, Electronic
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